Call for papers

Registration rates

Up to29/04/2022 Up to30/06/2022 Up to11/11/2022
Members No Members Members No Members Members No Members
$5300 / $2650 $7900 / $3950 $6600 / $3300 $9900 / $4950 $9100 / $4550 $17000 / $8500
Graduate student
$3100 / $1550 $5800 / $2900 $4400 / $2200 $6600 / $3300 $6500 / $3250 $13000 / $6500
Undergraduate student
$2100 / $1050 $3100 / $1550 $3300 / $1650 $6000 / $3000 $5200 / $2600 $10000 / $5000
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Values are expressed in argentine pesos

* PhD or Master

All presented extended abstracts must have the first author registered for the congress in the categories Researcher/Professional, Postgraduate student (PhD or Master) or Undergraduate student who will be responsible of the extended abstract.

Each registered author may be responsible for a maximum of 2 extended abstracts as the first author. There are no restrictions on co-authorships.

In the case where extended abstracts whose first author is an undergraduate student, and of which their co-authors are postgraduate students and/or researchers/professionals, the person responsible for the work must be the co-author of the highest category, who must be registered in the category that corresponds him as Participant.

When all the authors of an extended abstract are undergraduate students, the first author will be responsible and must be registered in the corresponding category.

Those people who attend the congress and are co-authors of at least one work must register according to their corresponding category.


Registration payments: examples

Work Authors Responsible for payment Clarifications
#1 RP1, RP2, UGS1 RP1
#2 RP2, PGS1, UGS1 RP2
#3 PGS1, RP2, UGS1 PGS1
#4 UGS1, RP1, PGS1 RP1 In the case that UGS1 is the one who will present the work, he/she will have to pay the registration fee as an Undergraduate Student.
#5 UGS2, UGS3 UGS2
RP: Researcher/Professional
PGS: Postgraduate Student
UGS: Undergraduate Student
A: Attendee
Note: The subscripts refer to different people

Comentarios adicionales:

Additional comments:

  • The payment of the registration fee of RP1 allows to have up to two works as in # 1 (i.e. being the first author), and has no restriction for jobs like in # 4 (i.e. having an UGS as first author).
  • The registration fee for UGS2 as an undergraduate student allows to present up to two works as in #5.

The CAM / FLISMET members, at the moment of paying the registration to the Congress, must be up to date with the social quotas. Non-members who want to participate in the Congress in the category of members, are required to join CAM and pay 1 (one) year of fees (

For inquiries on membership writo to

For inquiries on registration to the congress write to

Payment methods

Undergraduate and postgraduate students (whether or not CAM / FLISMET members) and FLISMET partners must submit proof of this condition before making the payment. The proofs must be sent to

Option 1

(Not applicable for payments from abroad):

By deposit or bank transfer to the account of the Argentine Center of Meteorologists (CAM):


Current account: 6123204477
CBU: 15006129 00061232044778
CUIT: 30-68747554-9

Once the transfer/deposit was made please send the proof of payment  to
The original invoice will be delivered to the CAM office or during the Congress.

Option 2

Payments in cash in Argentine pesos or by Mercado Pago during the event, at the time of registration.

Option 3

(Not applicable for payments from abroad):

With credit card through Mercado Pago by completing the following form.

You can pay your registration now, according to category* and membership status.

*For undergraduate students use the following links:
  • Member – On-site:
  • Member – Virtual:
  • No member – On-site:
  • No member – Virtual:

Option 4

Payments from abroad are made through FUNDACEN.

  • To pay registrations in person, please access
  • To pay registrations in virtual mode, please access