Call for papers

Topic areas

The topic areas in which works can be submitted are as follows:

1. Productive activities

Characterization and/or study of the underlying processes that link the atmosphere and the ocean with productive activities. Decision making in the productive sector that involves environmental variables. Synergy between productive activities, the operational sector and the academic sector. For example, energy production and demand, agricultural, fishing and industrial production, transportation, services, among others.

3. Public health

Characterization and/or study of the underlying processes that link the atmosphere and the ocean with the health of the population. Modifications of the environment and emerging diseases. Information and knowledge networks on atmospheric and ocean phenomena and their impact on health. Early warning systems and health risk management. Diseases sensitive to environmental conditions (vector, zoonotic, water, etc.).

2. Prevention and characterization of environmental risks

Studies on exposure, vulnerability and risk of disasters and/or events of high social impact associated with the atmosphere and the ocean at different spatio-temporal scales. For example, risks associated with marine and river blooms, local storms, climate change, floods, droughts, mass removal, coastal erosion, fires, emission of pollutants, etc.

4. Plurality of Perspectives in Environmental Sciences

Epistemologies, Perspectives, and Gender and Diversity Biases in Environmental Sciences. Including the link with climate change, use and availability of water, decision-making and policy design, differential consequences of events with high social impact, among other issues.

5. Atmospheric and ocean forecast and its applications

Forecasts at different spatio-temporal scales from nowcasting to climate scenarios. New methodologies, operational systems. Applications of the forecast of environmental variables in different sectors.

7. Methodological and technological developments in environmental sciences

Methodologies for the analysis of environmental data (statistical and numerical methods, machine learning, visualization, quality control, etc.). Technologies for obtaining and processing environmental data (observation systems, high-performance computing systems, development and validation of instruments, design of measurement networks, communication systems and data acquisition, etc.).

6. Atmospheric and ocean processes

Study and characterization of physical, chemical, geological, and/or biological processes in the atmosphere and the ocean, at different spatio-temporal scales and environments (high mountains, wetlands, coastal environments, open ocean, marine and terrestrial ecosystems, urban environments, etc.).

8. Atmospheric and ocean variability

Characterization of coastal regions, the open ocean and the atmosphere. Study of the atmospheric and ocean variability at different spatio-temporal scales. Interaction between the components of the Earth system (hydrosphere, atmosphere, cryosphere, biosphere and lithosphere), for example biogeochemistry, marine biology, geology and other environmental sciences.

9. Communication and appropriation of environmental sciences

Media and scientific communication, academic training, environmental education, extension, citizen and participatory science.